- Family Tree DNA – If you’ve hit a brick wall, it might be time to check out DNA sites to establish relationships between individuals and determine ancestry. Order your kit online. A swab inside of your cheek, mail it back in the prepaid package. You’ll receive results in 4 to 8 weeks, www.familytreedna.com. Search their Surname Project, www.familytreedna.com/group-project-search, to see if there is a surname group in place. You’ll be able to contact the Administrator of your group and ask questions. Most valuable resource. Check out their Family Finder page. It provides interactive tools to help find your DNA matches.
- Ancestry.com – Check out their valuable resources: Griffiths Valuation 1847-1864; Catholic birth and baptism 1763-1912; Catholic confirmation 1775-1912; marriage, death and burial 1767-1912. Order your DNA kit online. Spit into a tube and mail back in prepaid envelope. To search their site, you’ll need to purchase a subscription, www.ancestry.com/ireland.
- 23 and Me – check out their website, www.23andme.com.
- My Heritage – checkout their website, www.myheritage.com.
There are many more companies offering DNA tests, click here to search DNA testing on line.